Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mexican Breakfast: Part 1- Baby's Breakfast

Mashed Avocado and Rice Cereal

Eva loves avocado!

Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado, some water, and 1 or 2 Tbsp of baby rice cereal

All you have to do is open up the avocado, scoop out the insides, then mash or puree it. Now for anyone that has never cut open an avocado (like me...) there is a huge seed inside so you can't just slice it down the middle like an apple. (duh, right?) After you cut it open get the seed out and throw it away. Make sure you keep any part of the avocado out of reach of your pets, the avocados contain a dangerous toxin for animals. But don't worry avocados are super healthy for babies, they contain good fats to help the development of their nervous system and brain. So after the avocado is cut up, the fruit will just easily scoop off the peel. You can either mash it up with a fork or what I do is put it in the chopper part of my baby food maker machine (which is a steamer and chopper all in one) there isn't a need to steam it because its already soft enough. I chop it until its a smooth texture. Place enough in baby's bowl, you can save the left over for guacamole later (just squeeze a little lemon juice in it to keep from browning). Put a little water (or formula if you prefer) in baby's bowl and mix with avocado until its too thin for baby. Then you can add the rice cereal until its back to desired thickness. Now baby is ready to eat!! 

****NOTES**** Avocados are a great first food for babies, but remember every baby is different and to use the 4 day rule when introducing new foods. Eva is 6 months old and had been eating solids since she was 3 months (she was a bigger baby). She eats about 2oz of food 3 times a day and gets 6-8oz bottles 4 times a day. A great website for homemade baby foods is

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